Knowledge rules the game!

Ludwig – a physical adventure

Ludwig is not a conventional video game: Children 11 years and up explore playful physical phenomena and lead the little robot Ludwig through four different worlds (energy from combustion, hydropower, solar energy and wind power). Knowledge fragments are collected and assembled into a complete knowledge map over the course of the game.

Unity3D, PC
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis Bestes Serious Game 2011, Worlddidac Award, World Summit Award, Multimedia Staatspreis, Futurezone Award

Project description

2098: Mankind has used up all of the Earth’s fossil fuels and is forced to live on giant city ships in orbit. A collision with an unknown flying object makes an emergency landing is unavoidable. However, this is virtually impossible without a helper on Earth…

The development of Ludwig was accompanied by the research project “investigation of motivational aspects and knowledge transfer effects in digital learning games for 10 to 14 year olds” and funded by Sparkling Science.

Ludwig received serveral international awards and was presented at conferences like  TEDxVienna, Games4change New York und Games fair Seoul.

Available in German, English, Portuguese and Chinese, Ludwig is an international benchmark in the area of game-based-learning and serious games. More information on


Ludwig is available on Steam.
